Furry Alphabet Book (The)


The Furry Alphabet Book

This fun book is filled with richly-detailed illustrations that introduce not only the alphabet but also the wonders of the mammal world. Learn which mammal jumps ten feet high to avoid hungry lions, which monkey almost always gives birth to twins, which mammal has a nose so large that it has to be moved out the way just to eat and which mammal has eyes that are bigger than its brain. Jerry Pallotta and Edgar Stewart deliver an intriguing book which will fascinate all, from those just learning the alphabet to those who know their mammals A to Z. For ages 4 to 8.


ISBN 9780881064643

Author: Jerry Pallotta

Illustrator: Edgar Stewart

Alphabet & Counting Series Mix and Match: Receive 10% off when ordering 10 or more of any items in this series. Upon checkout, discounts for all items are added together and collectively subtracted from the total.

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Furry Alphabet Book (The)
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