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Enriching Home Learning                                      SCIENCE AND NATURE EXPLORATIONS

                                                                                   Build A Beaver Dam  Kit. Acorn
                                                                                   Naturalists. Beavers have long used STEM
                                                                                   (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
                                                                                   Math) to build their amazing dams. There
                                                                                   is a major difference between human built
         Acorn Naturalists Outdoor Education                                       dams and beaver dams—beaver dams are
                  ®                                                                better designed for wildlife. This kit contains
         Field Pack . Acorn Naturalists. Invigorate                                everything needed to design and replicate
         the next nature hike you lead with this                                   a working beaver dam. The challenge is to
         comprehensive collection of activities and                                build one that is “leaky” yet retains enough
         supplies. Featuring top picks from Acorn                                  water to form a pond. This often requires
         Naturalists, this robust field pack contains a
         booklet filled with background information and                            making several different “dams” until you
         activity ideas for ages 8—13, 18 Journeys through                         find the optimal mix of building materials.
         Journaling  student journals, 18 drilled tree                             Kit includes a waterproof 1' x 2' tray, wooden
         rounds, 18 hand lenses (4x magnification), 20                             shims for changing the angle of flow in the
         plastic petri dishes (90mm), six aquatic dip nets,                        tray, smooth stream pebbles (beaver move
         one unbreakable specimen jar, one Nature Circles                          rocks to the base of their dams), a selection
         Pond and Stream Life Identification  card set,   Get Outdoors!  Nature Art Field Pack.   of birch twigs, moss, plastine brown
         one Nature Circles Track and Scat Identification    Acorn Naturalists. Nature brings out the artist in   clay (“beaver mud” for packing the dam),
         card set, one Nature Circles Outdoor Adventure   everyone, especially young children who love to   activity booklet with complete directions
         Activities  card set, one flexible track replica   turn what they find into art. This is the first step   and suggestions for supplementary STEM
         set each of coyote, rabbit, and raccoon, one   in what can lead to a lifetime of observation and   activities. For ages 8—adult. KIT-23036. $99.95.
         ScatCast  replica each of coyote, rabbit, and   enjoyment of the outdoors. Includes a drawing kit,
         raccoon, one Trace-A-Track  Template set, one set   Sunprint  kit, leaf rubbing plates, color-diffusing
         of Feather Replicas , three pocket plant presses,   leaves, the book Nature’s Art Box, and the field   Animal
         one set of 18 colored pencils with sharpener, and                        Signatures  Kit:
         one copy each of Golden Guide to Insects, Golden   journal Journeys through Journaling, all in a sturdy   Beaver Clues.
         Guide to Birds, and the Golden Guide to Trees.   backpack. Ages 8—10. KIT-16333. $89.95.  Acorn Naturalists.
         KIT-24448. $395.95.                                                      Found throughout North
                                                                                  America, beaver are one
                                                                                  of the most widespread
                                                                                  of all rodents. Loose chew
                                                                                  sticks and shavings found
                                                                                  along streams indicate their presence.
                                                                                  The real chew sticks included in this kit vary in
                                                                                  age, and represent different tree species, but
                                                                                  all show the characteristic beaver gnaw marks.
                                                                                  These are not small twigs, but rather large chew
                                                                                  sticks that average 2—4" in diameter and 6—9"
                                                                                  long, collected after being washed downstream.
                                                                                  Some have bark, others don’t (beaver often eat
                                                                                  the bark, or it may scrape off as the sticks travel
                                                                                  downstream). The Beaver Animal Signatures Kit
                                                                                  contains two large chew sticks, a selection of
                                                                                  beaver chew chips (found at the base of previously
                                                                                  chewed trees), background information on beaver,
                                                                                  an activity guide, and a 3x magnifier for studying
                                                                                  chew marks, all packed in a sturdy storage box.
                                                                                  Ages 8—adult. KIT-19243. $59.95.
                                                                                  Beavers’ Busy Year. Holland. Children have a
                                              Get Outdoors!  Tracking Field Pack. Acorn      natural fascination with beaver,
         Get Outdoors!  Birding Field Pack. Acorn   Naturalists. Animal tracking can be done during any   from the amazing lodges and
         Naturalists. Birdwatching can easily become a   season in any environment. Children love trying to   dams they build to the life
         lifelong interest—one that brings children in   figure out what animals passed through and what   their ponds support. Vibrant
         close contact with nature while developing keen   they might have been doing. This discovery pack   photographs document the
         observation skills. This discovery pack includes   includes the Track Pack field identification guide,   beavers’ activities throughout the
         field binoculars, Golden Guide to Birds, Everything   Take-Along Guide to Tracks, Scat , and Sign, 18   year, from a burst of springtime
         Bird book, Take-Along Guide to Birds, Nests and   rubber animal track stamps with pad, a track scarf   activity repairing their dam and gathering food to
         Eggs, Peterson Birds Coloring Book, and the field   featuring common tracks, track rubbing plates, and   raising their young and storing food for the next
         journal Journeys through Journaling, all contained   the field edition of Journeys through Journaling.   winter. Perfect introduction to these amazing
         in a sturdy backpack. Ages 8—10. KIT-16335. $99.95.   Ages 8—10. KIT-16332. $99.95.  animals for children ages 4—8. B-24173. $9.95.
                                  Order online at           Call us at (800) 422-8886           3
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