Alkalinity Test Kit
Alkalinity Test Kit
This LaMotte kit utilizes the standard direct reading titrator method for measuring alkalinity, meeting GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) specifications. Alkalinity is measured from 0-200 ppm (4 ppm as calcium carbonate). The kit provides enough materials for 50 tests. A refill is also available for this kit (see Related Products, below).
LaMotte #4491-DR-01
For use with freshwater (pond, lake, stream, river, etc.) or saltwater (marine, oceanic) samples.
To view the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for this LaMotte kit, please click on the component links below:
For Alkalinity Titration Reagent B, please click here.
For Bromcresol Green Methyl Red Indicator Tablets, please click here.
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