Open your door, step outside, and rewild your life! With metal corners and 448 full-color, highly illustrated pages, Outdoor School: Hiking and Camping is an indispensable tool for young explorers and nature lovers. Make every day an adventure with the included immersive activities, write-in journal sections, and next-level adventures to challenge even seasoned nature lovers. Hiking and Camping features information such as planning your excursion, essential outdoor gear, first aid & survival, navigation, handling extreme weather or dangerous terrain, setting up camp, building a fire, and finding and filtering water; while also providing games for the trail and informaiton on animal tracks, calls, and sounds, bird watching, plant spotting, rock hunting, and so much more! Ages 10 to 14.
ISBN 9781250230843 • Authors: Jennifer Pharr Davis, Haley Blevins • Illustrator: Aliki Karkoulia Format: Paperback |
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