Feather Replicas
These life-size bird feather replicas are scanned directly from permitted bird feather collections. Feathers are laser-cut and pop out individually from the master sheet. Use these bird feather replicas to seed trails and then have students find, collect, and identify them. Spread the feather replicas out on a table and have students organize, classify, and study key feather features (use the template from which they came to identify them, and have students develop their own dichotomous identification keys to hone their observation skills). These crisp, high resolution, two-sided feather images are printed on waterproof "paper" that is derived from minerals, not trees. If needed, the feather replicas can be wiped clean with warm soapy water. A total of 63 different North American bird species are represented. Includes hawk feathers, owl feathers, hummingbird, mockingbird, mourning dove, cardinal, pheasant, duck, heron, crane, and fifty other feathers. Creative, hands-on inquiry learning for children ages 8-adult.