Bobcat Kind Fur® (Swatch)


Bobcat Kind Fur® (Swatch)

Kind Fur® replicas are an ideal resource for educators. Designed primarily to give children ages 6 to 13 the look and feel of animal fur, these replicas go well with storytelling and discovery table activities. We need to emphasize, however, that these replicas are not study skins (they lack eye holes, ears, noses, paws and tails). On the other hand, unlike real fur, these replicas do not have special storage or treatment requirements. They also do not require knowledge of complex and ever-changing regulations regarding State of Origin fur tags, permits, transfers, and associated necessary record keeping. Most importantly, Kind Fur® does not require trapping animals better left alive in the wild.

It is important to note that in nature there is tremendous variation in fur color, even on a single specimen, let alone among the same species in different locations or seasons. These replicas are close in appearance (and feel) to animal furs, but won’t match “perfectly” with any given real fur. Also, as can be the case with skull replicas, high-quality faux fur can sometimes cost more than real fur. While realistic in appearance, replica fur can always be identified by looking at the backing—replica fur has cloth fabric backing, as opposed to tanned animal hide.

In nature, bobcat (Lynx rufus) fur color and pattern are highly variable, ranging from numerous spots to only a few. As this fur replica demonstrates, bobcat fur is generally mottled with dark spots on a background of lighter and darker fur. The coat becomes thicker in the winter. 

This 8” long x 5” wide swatch is perfect for carrying in a backpack for discussions on the trail or for setting out at a discovery table. The Kind Furs® swatches are folded in half, and then hand-sewn around the edge to prevent fraying.



In addition to many other educational uses, fur replicas help illustrate the Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) LS1. For more information on all of the Kind Fur® replicas Acorn Naturalists offers for sale please click here.

Kind Fur® Swatch Mix and Match: Receive 10% off when ordering 10 or more of any items in this series. Upon checkout, discounts for all items are added together and collectively subtracted from the total.

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Bobcat Kind Fur® (Swatch)
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