Bird Track & Scat Replicas
Acorn Naturalists offers many bird track and scat replicas. These life-size bird track replicas are individually cast from museum specimens and show every detail, including unique identifying characteristics. Perfect hands-on resource for teaching diversity, food habits, anatomy, adaptations, behavior, ecology, or tracking skills. Acorn Naturalists also offers flexible bird track molds. These bird track molds can be filled clay or PerfectCast®, a durable, paintable casting compound. Use the track cast positives you make from these molds as instructional aids, pressing the tracks into moist sand or dirt, or use to make inked prints, or compare your impressions with ones found in the field. Everyone can have fun making tracks—students or campers can take them home or make displays. Each mold also features the name of the track reversed out so that it appears correctly on the positive. Hard resin bird track replicas offer life-size bird track replicas for making imprints in sand tracking boxes or for making animal tracks in wet cement or the PerfectCast® replica compound that we offer. Acorn Naturalists trademark ScatCast© replicas are cast from actual samples collected in the field by Acorn Naturalists and developed into replicas by master moldmakers. Acorn Naturalists scat replicas offer unique, high quality replicas that, when scattered along a trail, provide perfect "props" for discovery by students, discovery that can be followed by discussions of birds found in the area and what the scat reveals about their diets.