Fish Models & Replicas
This section features Acorn Naturalists collection of fish models along with flexible fish replicas for use in fish printing, or Gyotaku. Fish printing incorporates science (fish diversity, anatomy, ecology), art (create colorful paintings, note cards, displays), math (measure and count fins, proportions, count fin rays), reading (use with stories about aquatic environments) and creative writing (write fact or fiction about the fish prints). All ages and abilities can enjoy creating beautiful, unique, artistic prints. We offer a wide selection of fresh and saltwater fish varieties including bluegill, carp, bass, trout, salmon, sunfish, lake perch, pike, walleye, flounder, skate, squirrelfish, tuna, grouper, and many other fish replicas for making beautiful Gyotaku fish print art. Click here for Acorn Naturalists complete guide to fish printing.