Milkweed, Monarchs and More: A Field Guide to the Invertebrate Community in the Milkweed Patch (2nd Edition, Field Version)


Milkweed, Monarchs and More (2nd Edition, Field Version)

Most people associate milkweed with monarch butterflies. In addition to monarchs, milkweed supports an incredibly diverse number of species that depend on this plant for food and shelter. An entire ecology of predator/prey species can be seen on a milkweed plant. Includes full-color photographs of dozens of monarchs along with a guide to different milkweed species. Recommended for ages 12-adult. The field-size edition measures 4¾” x 7”.


Authors: Ba Rea, Karen Oberhauser, Michael A. Quinn

Format: Paperback

Dimensions: 4¾" T x 7" W x ¼" D

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Milkweed, Monarchs and More: A Field Guide to the Invertebrate Community in the Milkweed Patch (2nd Edition, Field Version)
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