Nature's Art Discovery Kit®: Painting with Natural Yucca Brushes


Nature's Art Discovery Kit: Painting with Natural Yucca Brushes

Blending science, art, and nature, this unique kit explores traditional brush making techniques. Using sustainably harvested, dried and trimmed desert yucca leaves, this kit contains one finished demonstration yucca brush, five trimmed desert yucca leaves, and material for tying the separated yucca fibers into a paint brush. Kit also includes a mixture of over 40 natural items to paint (bark, stones, and shells), a smooth pounding rock for separating out the fibers to make brushes from the yucca stems, and an illustrated directions/activity book with suggestions for collecting your own natural objects to paint. Combine with the Natural Earth Clay Paint Kit for an enjoyable, all natural painting experience. Recommended for ages 8 and up, with adult supervision.


Note: Additional bundles of dried yucca leaves are also available so you can tailor this kit to your class size. For additional yucca leaves, ( please click here).


Additional information on this kit, from the booklet:

For as long as humans have been painting, a variety of natural dyes and brushes have been used. Animal fur, plant fiber, and even chunks of charcoal have all been traditionally used to create art on rocks, pottery, and animal skins. One of the materials traditionally used to make paint brushes are the dried leaves of certain yucca species. The one in this kit produces exceptional quality brushes that hold up and are easy to use.

To prepare this kit, dry yucca leaves are collected from yucca plants in a careful, sustainable way. Dead leaves from yucca stalks that have fallen over are harvested by hand, one leaf at a time. Leaves are trimmed and sun-baked in preparation for dry storage.

For demonstration purposes, each kit includes one handcrafted, ready-to-use brush made using the same procedures that are outlined in this kit. Each brush is unique and can be made larger, smaller, broader or finer depending on the final trim with scissors. In addition to the brush, this kit also contains five yucca leaves (if more brushes are needed, bundles of 10 trimmed yucca leaves and raffia are also available).

American Indians traditionally used yucca brushes to decorate pottery and brush flour out of grinding stones. Other traditional uses of yucca fibers include making rope, belts, baskets, ladders, sandals, and fish nets. Yucca roots are rich in saponin, a natural sudsing, making them useful as traditional soap and shampoo. Archaeological records show that yucca plants were farmed in the Mayan regions of Guatemala over 1,400 years ago. Today, young yucca stalks and slices of roots are utilized in traditional Central American cuisine. This kit contains five dried desert yucca leaves; one completed yucca brush; enough natural palm frond raffia to wrap the five brushes. Kit also contains samples of naturally occurring items for painting including shells (recycled from seafood processors), smooth rocks, and bark. We also offer a number of colorful 100% natural clay paints.

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Nature's Art Discovery Kit®: Painting with Natural Yucca Brushes
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