Soil Texture Test Kit


Soil Texture Test Kit

Most books on gardening or soil science discuss plant needs in terms of sand, silt, and clay content. This LaMotte kit allows you to determine what kind of soil you have or prepare special soil mixes for plant experiments that require various soil types. The kit separates soil samples into sand, silt, and clay components using dispersing and flocculating reagents in calibrated conical tubes. All necessary reagents, a clear plastic test tube holder, and a booklet offering complete instructions are included. The kit provides enough materials for approximately 40 tests. A refill is also available for this kit (see Related Products, below). 


LaMotte #1067

To view the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for this LaMotte kit, please click on the component links below:

For Soil Flocculating Reagent, please click here.

For Texture Dispersing Reagent, please click here.

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Soil Texture Test Kit
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