Growing Up Wild, 2nd Edition: Exploring Nature with Young Children


Growing Up Wild, 2nd Edition: Exploring Nature with Young Children

Offering a wide range of activities and experiences for children ages 3-7, Growing Up Wild provides an early foundation for developing positive impressions about the natural world and lifelong social and academic skills. Written especially for early childhood educators, this guide features 27 field-tested, hands-on, nature-based activities in a full-color activity guide. The book includes crafts, art projects, music, conservation activities, reading and math connections, and much more. This resource involves social, emotional, physical, language, and cognitive domains to help foster learning and development in all areas. Correlated to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards and the Head Start Domains. From Project Wild and the Council for Environmental Education.


Note: For Growing Up Wild training, please contact your State Coordinator

Editors: Project Wild, Council for Environmental Education

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Growing Up Wild, 2nd Edition: Exploring Nature with Young Children
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