Vitamin N: 500 Ways to Enrich Your Family's Health and Happiness
Vitamin N: 500 Ways to Enrich Your Family’s Health and Happiness
In earlier books, author Richard Louv spotlights the alienation of children from the natural world, coining the term nature-deficit disorder. Vitamin N (for Nature) is the companion activity book, featuring 500 activities along with thought-provoking essays. Includes tips not only for parents eager to share nature with their kids, but also for finding nature-centered schools, medical professionals, suggestions for calming infants through nature, building a nature vocabulary with toddlers, as well as helping tweens become engaged citizen scientists. Activities included are for all ages, children through adults.
ISBN 9781616205782
Author: Richard Louv
Dimensions: 8¼" T x 5½" W x 1" D
Format: Paperback
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