Acorn Naturalists Outdoor Education Field Pack®


Acorn Naturalists Outdoor Education Field Pack®

  • Comprehensive collection of bestselling supplies for leading outdoor activities
  • Included guide provides ideas for activities and lessons
  • Designed for educators of children ages 8 to 13
  • See Details for a full list of contents and other information (below)


This comprehensive collection of activities and supplies is perfect for leading outdoor activities, from single-day excursions to camps! Featuring top picks from Acorn Naturalists catalog, this robust field pack is designed for educators of children ages 8 to 13.

Complete Kit Components:

Journeys through Journaling #B-16190 (Quantity 18)

Camping 101 #FG-18285

Peterson 1st Guide to Trees #FG-2361

Peterson 1st Guide to Insects #FG-2410

Peterson 1st Guide to Birds #FG-2389

Nature Circles® Pond & Stream #G-22180

Nature Circles® Tracks & Scat #G-23223

Nature Circles® Outdoor Adventure #G-24208

Feather Replicas® Set 1 #T-23086

Coyote Track Replica #TR-3214 and Scat Replica #SC-16244

Cottontail Rabbit Track Replica #TR-3200 and Scat Replica #SC-16253

Raccoon Track Replica #TR-3207 and Scat Replica #SC-17155

Drilled Tree Rounds for Art, Pack of 18 #T-22243

Pocket Plant Press #T-81 (Quantity 3)

4" Standard Mesh Dip Net #T-91 (Quantity 6)

Petri Dishes 90mm #T-25003 (Quantity 20)

32 oz PET Jar #T-24298

4x Stacking Magnifier #T-3180 (Quantity 18)

Kit Booklet, Kit Backpack, Track Stencil Set, and Colored Pencil Set

Backpack dimensions: 16½" x 11½" x 6½"

Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):

Interacting with nature is an important, and often overlooked, part of childhood. Experiences outdoors have been shown to improve physical and mental well being, decrease health risks including obesity and attention-deficit disorder, stimulate creativity and problem solving, and foster environmental stewardship. Yet sometimes the role of an outdoor educator is insufficiently defined, leaving teachers and mentors scrambling to design activities and cobble materials on their own. Additionally, outdoor educators often have a short time span to teach several different topics, sometimes only a single day hike or a weekend. This kit is designed to assist you by providing hands-on activities, discussion topics, and tools for use in the field. With short excursions in mind, we’ve provided activities that cover common field trip subjects. Conveniently stored in this backpack are a variety of products offered in Acorn Naturalists’ catalog, each selected for a specific activity detailed in this booklet. Designed for ages 8 and up, these activities should be done with adult supervision. If your group is larger than provided for by this pack, you can order extra quantities of any tool from our website. 

Use this pack to initiate interest in science while teaching observation and identification skills. To customize to your area, simply add regional field guides or other specialty resources. We can also custom tailor field packs to fit your specific programs. Call or email us for more information.

Receive 10% off when ordering 10 or more of this item. Upon checkout, discounts for all items are added together and collectively subtracted from the total.

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