Binoculars & Headlamps
Found here is the popular student binocular, headlamps and red led lights for use at night. We often are asked what then numbers mean on binoculars (such as 8 x 21). The first numeral refers to the magnification, or power (an object seen through the binocular will be magnified eight times). The second numeral refers to the diameter of the objective lens, which is the end of the binocular facing the object to be viewed. The larger the numeral, the greater the diameter of the lens, and thus the more daylight entering the binocular. Binoculars are also described by “field of view.” For example, a field of view of 365 feet at 1000 yards means that when you are viewing objects 1000 yards away, you will have 365 feet of horizon in your field of view. The binocular we offer combines the best features for student use (higher magnifications have reduced fields of view or less light collecting ability and thus are harder for students to use).