Get Outdoors!® Pond and Stream Discovery Field Pack


Get Outdoors!® Pond and Stream Discovery Field Pack

This discovery pack is designed to help children and adults delve into the fascinating freshwater worlds of ponds and streams. The backpack includes the Acorn Naturalists 3x magnifier, 4x/6x two-way magnifying viewer, Golden Guide: Pond Life, Pondwatchers laminated field guide, One Small Square: Pond, a fine mesh dip net and standard mesh dip net, Acorn Naturalists drawstring cotton field bag, and Journaling at the Water’s Edge, a field journal. Get Outdoors!® Field Packs are recommended for children ages 8 to 10.


GET OUTDOORS!® FIELD PACKS. Acorn Naturalists. Use these packs as “starter kits” to initiate interest in science while teaching observation and identification skills. Each self-contained pack features a carefully selected set of resources and equipment. To customize to your area, simply add regional field guides to these packs. We can also custom tailor Get Outdoors® field packs to your specific program. Call or email us for more infomation.

Backpack dimensions: 16½" x 11½" x 6½"

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Get Outdoors!® Pond and Stream Discovery Field Pack
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