Camping 101: A Waterproof Reference to Everything a Novice Needs to Know (Duraguide®)


Camping 101: A Waterproof Reference to Everything a Novice Needs to Know (Duraguide®)

A beautifully illustrated folding guide that teaches how to set up a safe camp, tie camping knots, light fires, purify water, select camping gear, and other general wilderness knowledge. Learn about dangerous animals and wilderness first aid. A pre-trip item check list is also provided. The waterproof, tear-resistant paper makes this guide perfect for all field conditions. The compact, 8” x 4” guide unfolds to 8” x 22", with color pictures and information located on both sides. The fold-out features a 20" (50 cm) ruler for use in the field. From Waterford Press. 


ISBN 9781583555521

Author: James Kavanagh

Illustrator: Raymond Leung

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Camping 101: A Waterproof Reference to Everything a Novice Needs to Know (Duraguide®)
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