Natural Navigator (The): The Rediscovered Art of Letting Nature Be Your Guide (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
A windswept tree, the depth of a puddle, or the trill of a songbird can help us find our way in the wilderness, if we know what to look and listen for. Within this engaging title, adventurer and navigation expert Tristan Gooley unlocks the directional clues hidden in the Sun, moon, stars, clouds, weather patterns, lengthening shadows, changing tides, plant growth, and the habits of wildlife. The book is rich with navigational anecdotes collected across ages, continents, and cultures. A decade after publication, this modern classic still reminds us that we can find south by joining the horns of the crescent moon—and find adventure in our own backyards.
ISBN 9781615197149 • Author: Tristan Gooley
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