Pond & Stream Sampling Kit


Pond & Stream Sampling Kit

Aquatic habitats are filled with intriguing life, and this resource is designed to help students explore that diversity. The kit includes a white plastic 10" x 12" x 6" pan and two sleeves of 10 plastic petri dishes (90mm), plus one each of the following: Acorn Naturalists’ Nature Circles®Pond and Stream Life identifcation cards, 6" standard mesh dip net, magnifying viewer, observation container, 3x pocket magnifier, Golden Guide to Pond Life, Journaling at the Waters Edge, and two informational cards. The kit can be expanded to meet any class size by adding extras of any component (see Related Products, below). Recommended for ages 8 to adult (grades 3 and up).


<p><strong><span style="font-size: small; font-family: verdana, geneva;">Introduction:</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-family: verdana, geneva; font-size: small;"> This aquatic exploration kit contains everything you need to begin exploring ponds and streams. Aquatic organisms are best studied in their natural habitat and most have very specific food, temperature, and oxygen requirements that can be hard to duplicate in the classroom. The white pan makes it easy to observe and document (through sketches and photographs) aquatic organisms and then return them to their natural habitat. If possible, observe specimens in shaded areas and change water occasionally to avoid overheating. The Golden Guide to Pond Life and the Nature Circles&reg; Pond &amp; Stream Life cards will help you identify the invertebrates and amphibians you discover. </span></p>

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