Turbidity Test Kit
Turbidity Test Kit
Turbidity measurements are used to determine the clarity of water. High turbidity readings can be the result of inorganic (silt) and/or organic (bacteria, algae) factors. This LaMotte kit uses a foolproof drop count method, accurately measuring turbidities ranging between 5-100 turbidity units in 5 JTU increments or between 10-200 JTU in 10 JTU increments. (At 5-100 JTU, 50 tests can be run. At between 10-200 JTU, 20 tests can be run). This kit meets GLOBE specifications. A refill is also available for this kit (see Related Products, below).
LaMotte #7519-01
For use with freshwater (pond, lake, stream, river, etc.) or saltwater (marine, oceanic) samples.
To view the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this LaMotte kit, please click here.
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