Nature Niches Aquatic Life Stickers

This creative kit from Acorn Naturalists facilitates inquiry-oriented, hands-on study of aquatic organisms and their habitats. Designed for use in either the field and classroom, this kit involves placing aquatic life stickers on aquatic habitat boards featuring a flowing stream on one side and a pond environment on the other side. Stickers are clear, allowing for a natural look, with the background scene showing through. Scene boards are full-color, printed on coated 11 inch x 17 inch heavy card stock. Pond life stickers feature 32 different species on each sheet. Kit includes Acorn Naturalists Nature Circles® Pond and Stream Life cards along with identification and quiz sheets for all of the organisms shown on the stickers. Includes an activity sheet with creative suggestions for further study. Stickers can also be used with Journaling at the Waters Edge, Acorn Naturalists student journal that is specifically designed for journaling in aquatic and riparian environments.

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