Pine Cones Balsam Draft Blocker

Special Price $11.97 Regular Price $19.95

Shelter your home and enjoy the scent of Northern woodlands with this practical 30” draft blocker from Maine Balsam Fir Products. Each draft blocker is handcrafted and filled with real balsam, harvested in Maine from trees already cut for lumber and paper. The amazing aroma will last for several years and can be refreshed as needed through a variety of simple methods.Pine Cones Balsam Draft Blockers are available in two background colors: blue and brown. (Please call for our current inventory if you have specific color requests; shipment of internet-ordered inventory will be randomly selected.) A perfect gift for the holidays or to evoke that cabin-feel year-round!

Please note: We have a limited quantity remaining of this discontinued item. The price above represents a 40% discount.

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Pine Cones Balsam Draft Blocker
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