Beaver Chew & Scat Signature Display (Animal Signatures® Display Series)
Beaver Chew & Scat Signature Display (Animal Signatures® Display Series)
Just as we learn to identify the handwriting of others, we can learn to read “signatures” left behind by wildlife. By recognizing these animal clues, it is possible to conclude which animals are in the area. This unique, glass-topped display provides real examples of these clues, or signatures. Each sample is collected from the wild with careful regard to environmental impact, and assembled by Acorn Naturalists. With this display, discover how beaver often remain out of view, but their signature chips, chew sticks, and scat indicate the presence of active colonies. The scat included is a ScatCast® replica. Information about the samples shown is provided on the back, making this display perfect for educators. Our signature displays are recommended for ages 8 to adult.
Dimensions: 6" L x 8" W x ¾" D
Quoted from the label on the back of the display:
"When a beaver gnaws down a sapling, wood chips pile up at the base. Can you see the beaver’s incisor tooth marks at the ends of the woodchips? A beaver’s teeth never stop growing; gnawing wood helps to wear them down. Beaver scat is oval shaped and made up of wood chip fragments. When you go hiking in beaver habitat, keep an eye out for wood chips and tooth-whittled stumps on land and lodges and dams in the water. The wood isn’t just for food; beavers also use it for building dams and constructing lodges."
Animal Signatures® Displays Mix and Match: Receive 10% off when ordering 10 or more of any items in this series. Upon checkout, discounts for all items are added together and collectively subtracted from the total.