Squirrel Clues (Animal Signatures Discovery Kit®)


Squirrel Clues (Animal Signatures Discovery Kit®)

When squirrels are present in wooded areas, signatures such as chewed “popsicle” pine cones and shredded pine cone bracts can be found around the base of pine trees. This kit includes 12 squirrel-chewed "popsicle" cones, 12 uneaten pine cones for comparison, a glass-topped display case (showing squirrel cones, pine cone scales chewed off by squirrels, and pine seeds), a pine cone sawed in half (to see where seeds are housed), wild nut shells cracked by squirrels, three 3x hand lenses, three blackline masters, and an activity guide. Recommended for ages 8 and up, with adult supervision.


Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):

Squirrels are adaptive animals known for their spunk and craftiness, from snatching bird feeder seed to thriving successfully in suburban environments. This kit explores their behavior and adaptations through a closer look at one of their classic signatures: squirrel “popsicles” or chew cones. This kit includes 12 squirrel-chewed "popsicle" cones, 12 uneaten pine cones for comparison, a glass-topped display case (showing squirrel cones, pine cone scales chewed off by squirrels, and pine seeds), a pine cone sawed in half (to see where seeds are housed), wild nut shells cracked by squirrels, three 3x hand lenses, three blackline masters, and an activity guide. The activities in this kit address the Next Generation Science Standards, specifically these Disciplinary Core Ideas: Structure and Function (LS1.A) and Adaptation (LS4.C).

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Squirrel Clues (Animal Signatures Discovery Kit®)
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