DuckMatch® Memory Game (BirdMatch® Game Series)


DuckMatch® is a great way for kids and adults to learn about the waterbirds around them. Each card has a detailed and realistic illustration to help teach bird identification while flexing your memory muscles! To play, lay all the cards face down, then take turns flipping over two cards to see if they match. If they don’t, you lay them back down where they were and try and remember for your next turn. If you do get the same card you can keep them to count as points for the end of the game. DuckMatch® includes 13 sets of ducks (four of each duck):  Mallard, Blue-Winged Teal, Green-Winged Teal, Wood Duck, Ring-Necked Duck, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Northern Pintail, Ruddy Duck, Hooded Merganser, Redhead, Bufflehead, and American Wigeon.

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DuckMatch® Memory Game (BirdMatch® Game Series)
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