Wildlife Discovery® Kit: Bat


Wildlife Discovery® Kit: Bat 

Acorn Naturalists’ Wildlife Discovery® series features hands-on resources that present close-up views of North American animals. Designed for grades 2 to 6, this module provides engaging, thought-provoking investigations that focus on animal adaptations and behaviors - key components for life science as identified in the Next Generation Science Standards. This kit contains a bat house kit, large bat puppet, bat model, field guide to bats, Bats children's book, bat rubber stamp, set of bat stickers, blackline masters, set of brads, and an educator's activity guide.


Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):

Bats! The word can evoke intrigue or even fear. It can also raise curiosity and delight, especially after gaining some knowledge about these remarkable animals. Like cats and rabbits, bats are mammals. They have fur, give birth to live young, and produce milk. Unlike any other mammal including flying squirrels, however, bats are the only one capable of true flight. Their fingers are connected by a membrane of skin to form a wing. There are more than 1,100 species of bats in the world. Forty-seven species are native to the United States. Bats display huge variation in body size, wingspan, size of ears, eyes, and nose, roosting preferences, and feeding strategies. The nectavores sip nectar, the frugivores pluck fruit, the insectivores eat insects, the piscivores catch fish with their feet, and the carnivores hunt birds, frogs, reptiles, and sometimes even other bats. Bats are important for many reasons. Fruit- and nectar-eating bats disperse seeds and pollinate plants in tropical forests and deserts. Insect-eating bats control pest insects, like mosquitoes in our backyards and caterpillars hungry for a farmer’s crop. This free service can eliminate the need for pesticides. Fascinating to watch, bats are also beneficial to people and the environment. Kit contents: brown bat puppet, Bats book, bat house kit, model of Townsend’s big-eared bat, field guide to bats, rubber stamp, set of bat stickers, blackline masters, set of brad fasteners, and a bat activity guide.

Overview of Acorn Naturalists Wildlife Discovery Kits®:

WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KITS®. Acorn Naturalists’ Wildlife Discovery Kits feature hands-on resources that present close-up views of North American animals. Designed for grades 1 through 5 (ages 6-10), each module provides engaging, thought-provoking investigations that focus on each animal’s adaptations and behaviors—key components for life science as identified in the Next Generation Science Standards.

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Wildlife Discovery® Kit: Bat
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