Wildlife Discovery® Kit: Raccoon
Wildlife Discovery® Kit: Raccoon
Acorn Naturalists’ Wildlife Discovery® series features hands-on resources that present close-up views of North American animals. Designed for grades 2 to 6, this module provides engaging, thought-provoking investigations that focus on animal adaptations and behaviors - key components for life science as identified in the Next Generation Science Standards. This kit contains a raccoon puppet, raccoon rubber stamp, track and claw replicas, track plaque, raccoon model, Wetlands sticker book, Raccoons children's book, blackline masters, set of brads, and an educator's activity guide.
Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):
Nicknamed the bandit, the northern raccoon is best known for the black mask across its eyes and its striped bushy tail. This intelligent mammal is capable of quickly adapting to new circumstances and challenges. Highly dexterous forepaws, nimble thinking, and tenacity work together to produce an animal that can thrive in urban/suburban environments, as well as forests and wetlands. What it looks for in a habitat is access to fresh water, plenty of diverse food, and a safe place to den during the day. A raccoon can climb, swim, and fight. It can outsmart enemies and stand its ground against potential predators. When threatened, it growls. When out on a nightly prowl, it communicates with family members with a bird-like churring call. Kit contents: puppet, raccoon rubber stamp; book about raccoons; track and claw replicas; track plaque; raccoon model; Forests sticker book; blackline masters; set of brad fasteners, and a raccoon activity guide.
Overview of Acorn Naturalists Wildlife Discovery Kits®:
WILDLIFE DISCOVERY KITS®. Acorn Naturalists’ Wildlife Discovery Kits feature hands-on resources that present close-up views of North American animals. Designed for grades 1 through 5 (ages 6-10), each module provides engaging, thought-provoking investigations that focus on each animal’s adaptations and behaviors—key components for life science as identified in the Next Generation Science Standards.
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