Animal Tracking Discovery Kit®


This kit contains everything teachers and outdoor educators need to help students learn how to identify and interpret animal tracks. Focusing on North American animal species, students learn the basic structure of tracks and use of tracks to identify species and behavior. The animal tracking booklet (included) features an introduction to animal tracking, a basic animal track identification guide, directions for making casts and other classroom activities, and a field card master for documenting tracks found outdoors. The kit also provides track templates and track casting molds for raccoon, coyote and rabbit. Expand this kit to include regional species by adding local species' templates, tracks and molds. Recommended for ages 8 to 13.

Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):

Coyotes and other members of the dog family tend to move one front leg and opposite-side hind leg forward at the same time. Unlike the tracks of most members of the cat family, the tracks of members of the dog family (wolf, coyote and fox, for example) show claw marks. Rabbits have large and powerful hind feet and small front feet. In a “leapfrog” fashion, they tend to place their hind feet in front of their fore feet which are offset, so that one is slightly ahead of the other. Raccoons, like opossums, leave “finger” tracks that resemble small handprints. While both animals have five toes on the fore foot, it is the hind foot that really distinguishes them. The opossum shows an opposable thumb-like toe. This kit contains the track molds of the hind foot and fore foot of coyote, rabbit, and raccoon, as well as sets of corresponding track templates. Suggested activities are provided in the activity guide and on the templates (included with kit).

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Animal Tracking Discovery Kit®
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