Leaf Printing Discovery Kit®


Leaf Printing Discovery Kit®

This creative kit explores the world of botany-students study leaf anatomy while creating beautiful leaf print art. The kit includes five different 4" to 6" flexible vinyl leaf replicas (ash, aspen, elm, maple, and white oak) along with three 1¼ oz. washable block printing inks (green, brown, gold), 2" brayer, three plastic plates, three sheets of block printing paper, a field guide to trees, and an activity booklet. A unique activity that combines botany, art, and science for students in grades 3 to 5 (ages 8 to 10).


Introduction (from the activity booklet that comes with this kit):

The leaf replicas in this kit show a variety of shapes, edges, and arrangements. In terms of arrangement, in broad-leaved (as opposed to needle-like) trees, leaves are either simple or compound. A compound leaf, like the pignut hickory, consist of several leaflets that comprise the blade which is connected to a stalk, or petiole. A simple leaf, like the oak, is a single flat blade connected to a stalk, or petiole. Kit contents: This kit contains five life-sized leaf replicas of sugar maple, elm, aspen, white oak, and Oregon ash; three tubes of ink in green, gold, and brown; three plastic plates; one brayer; three sheets of rice paper, the Golden Guide to Trees, and an activity booklet. The activities suggested in this booklet are designed for students in grades 3-5. Beyond the creative art applications, leaf printing can serve as a powerful introduction to science. As students learn the meaning of botanical terms such as “toothed” and “lobed,” take note of different leaf structures, and learn the basics of a simple key, they begin to use science in a very real manner. Once they discover that not all leaves look the same, neighborhood and schoolyard tree walks become challenging scavenger hunts!

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Leaf Printing Discovery Kit®
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