Egg Replicas
Bird egg replicas are ideal for exploring diversity in bird eggs. Perfect for the classroom, nature center, or home, these eggs are created by local artisans to resemble bird eggs as found in the wild. Since they are hand painted one at a time, there is some variation, just as occurs in bird eggs in nature. These are museum quality replicas for use by teachers and students age 11 and up and can be attractively displayed and protected in our clear display cases. We also offer bird skull and bird talon replicas for many of these. Matching eggs, skulls and talons together in a display case offers an attractive educational resource for exploring anatomy, diversity, and the relationship between form and function. All eggs come with a clear cylinder stand. Sets of raptor eggs (bald eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, red-tailed hawk, kestrel, barn owl, great horned owl and screech owl eggs) are also available along with a set of all 43 of the bird egg replicas. Egg sets come in sturdy wooden slide-top storage boxes.