Wildlife Web: A Dynamic Ecology Strategy Game
Wildlife Web: A Dynamic Ecology Strategy Game
Can you survive in a world that is both competitive and cooperative? Fifty random event cards introduce everything from hailstorms to bird alarms that can help or hinder your quest for survival. A day/night card alternates play between diurnal and nocturnal animals so your bat is safe during the day while your hawk can go hunting. With thousands of potential interactions and many uncontrolled factors, the game is never the same! The game features both classic predator-prey relationships (mountain lions hunt rabbits, deer, elk, or bison while a robin alarm call warns the animals that a predator is approaching). Includes: 100 Wildlife Cards (50 animal pairs), 50 Event Cards, 25 Forage Cards, 14 Offspring Cards, six Game Play Cards, four Highway Cards, one Day/Night Card, a rule book and two dice. Recommended for 2 to 6 players, ages 9 to adult.
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